I love how my camera captures each hair on the stalks and buds. The opening bud is still trying to shrug off its little cap, today.
Then I decided they were so beautiful I wanted to make one, so I spent half an hour in the shed with various bits of mulberry bark, crepe de chine and velvet, before admitting that the creative spark seems to have left me for a while. Oh well...
I also seem to have picked up one of these. It's a bit of a triffid, with largish leaves and this lily-like flower. I can't remember what it's called, but there was a hole just the right size for it at the back of the bed. Which is no mean feat, considering just how little bed there is, in this garden.
So then I tied back the daffodils, and planted the bedding plants. These are begonias, which the snails are enjoying very much, thank you... There were also sweet williams, snapdragons, and marigolds. I expect the snails will enjoy the marigolds, too, when they've tired of the begonias. Oh well, I never was a huge fan of begonias.
And after that, it was just a question of throwing some alpines in the front (which was just a series of gravel beds, and now has fig tree (with 3 figs) in a large tub; some window boxes of peas, beans and tomatoes, and an extensive alpine bed. Looks less ordered, but much nicer.
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